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CHIA-FENG CHANG's recent works

Fundamental Problems on Particle Physics

The standard model (SM) of particle physics provides a very successful description of physics up to TeV scale. The masses of all the elementary fermions arise after electroweak symmetry breaking due to the presence of Yukawa interactions. But the origin of the Yukawa couplings network is still unknown. The one of assumption in the ultraviolet completion of expending SM deal with new symmetry application. Those symmetry should pass the test from flavor-changing neutral current transitions.

Dark Matter/Beyond SM particles detecting 

The latest direct (2017) searches for weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter (DM) by the LUX and PandaX-II Collaborations have turned up null results, leading to the strictest upper-limits to date on the cross section of spin-independent elastic WIMP-nucleon scattering in the mass region from about 4 GeV to 100 TeV. Since the difficulty of detecting WIMP, a new method of observation become important. To idea a new method is one of mission in my research works.

Gravitational Wave and Topological Defects

Gravitational waves (GWs) may provide a method to probe the physics in early time (beyond Big Bang Nucleosynthesis) of universe. The one of physics mechanism may exist in early universe is that the Topological Defects from the symmetry breaking, namely, Kibble mechanism. Those defects (e.g. Cosmic Strings/Domain Walls/Monopoles/textures) give a new source that not only emit the gravitational wave at early time, but also (non-)fundamental particles. Therefore the measuring of the GWs signal is a dawn of new physics.

About  Me

University of California, Riverside.

Department of Physics

​900 University Ave. 
Riverside, CA 92521 

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